This is a blog about The Meadow Man, a feature length animation in the works By David Firth. This is mainly a solo project so it will take many years. Don't worry, this project is still alive!

Sunday, 22 June 2014


Time just keeps dribbling on whether you like it or not. The near future always looks predictable until you get there and realise it may sort of look like you had envisioned, but feels, sounds and smells completely different. The last time I updated this I was somewhere else, the time before that I was somewhere completely different. Now I'm here, but I'm not sure for how long and whether I like it or not. When I first started The Meadow Man I had a completely different opinion regarding what I wanted a feature length animation to be than I did two years later when I had finished the first draft of the script, and now, many years after that I have yet a new set of opinions. When I first started I thought I would just work solidly on my big idea until it was done, and that would take me a couple of years. I didn't not predict that I would (a) not be living in my happy peaceful little house for much longer, would (b) go a bit crazy and need to escape the country for a few months (twice) (c) get sick of my idea and have to change it drastically (a few times) (d) need to make smaller animations to make money (e) get an opportunity to make a series for TV that ultimately fell through due to lack of communication with producers and lack of eventual funds (plus a little bit of (b)(c) and (d), (f) some really heavy shit that doesn't need wording and finally (g) that if I ever left it for a long period of time without continuing that I would be too intimidated by the scale of it all to return.

Right now this post is looking dangerously like the last one I made back in 2011, full of excuses. If I have learnt anything, it's that I should never tell anyone anything until I am ready to offer it. I just want to assure anyone that thinks I have been slowly chipping away at The Meadow Man all these years that I haven't. I've mainly been putting it off due to all the reasons I said and also that it destroys me to make a 10 minute cartoon for youtube, god knows what a feature would do to me. That isn't to say I have quit. I just need to manage myself, my time and my projects a little better.

I suppose the point of this post is to say AHHHHHHHHGHGGHG, and also HMMMMMM. If I could finish one project of all the ones I have ever started it would be The Meadow Man. I guess it is probably time to start hiring people to get this done.....but this is difficult since I am a complete control freak and I need to explain things in such detail that I probably could have done it myself in the time it takes to describe exactly what I need.

2014 is just a number, it means nothing. When this finally gets done, the length it took will be irrelevant.


  1. Don't worry. We still love you, David. This stuff happens to the best and worst of us all.

  2. I just happened to check your page after a long time. It's good to see you're still working on it. Big up

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  4. Don't worry David, we can help in some way if you need it. And I'm sure you'll finish this, doesn't matter how many years it takes, you will finish, don't give up.

  5. I can't think up anything that hasn't already been said here so I'll just say *words of encouragement*. Your fans will always be around to support you.

  6. I can wait, but I can't wait forever :(

  7. Maybe this wait IS the Meadow Man... o.O

    1. .. without a doubt in mind, it's related. ;-D

  8. You've seem to forgotten about whore-o

  9. Best of luck with everything David! Anything you put out will be great!

  10. It seems to me that you could hire someone to manage your projects for you if you're not currently doing that. You're the man, and Kickstarter will give you anything you can imagine.

  11. Is it true that your working for/ affiliated with Frederator studios/ cartoon hangover now? If so that would be awesome.

  12. I see it's taking you some time. Some projects do. I can see from your work that you will only make something if it's good. I guess the Meadow Man walks at his own pace. I'm pretty confident you'll make it. I'll just come back here and leave a comment every year and a half or so, as I've been doing. I'm about your age, so finish it before you're really old, so that the risk of me dying before it's finished is not too high.

  13. I just want you to know, that I have been a big (yet mostly silent) fan since Video Dating Tape (2005). Since then, your animations have been the best thing I have discovered in the net ever (no exaggeration). And just to reassure you - I don't understad why so many people focus only on Salad Fingers. To me, animations like The Child That Smelt Funny, Spoilsbury Toast Boy series or Burnt Face Man series show top brilliance (to name just a few). Especially Spoilsbury Toast Boy, to me and some of my friends, is one of the best and most atmospheric dystopias. So keep up the good work and don't worry about The Meadow Man - I'm sure it'll come out some day. Sorry for all this ass licking, but I think you deserved some tribute. Cheers man! P.S. And post something in the whore o sometimes - I miss this shit!

  14. I've waited that long, why not wait for a another few years. Just get your shit together and organize yourself. If you really want to make that movie, you will. In the mean time you have our (fan's) support.

  15. Listen David, it doesn't mater if you finish it or not. You can never excel and something you don't feel.Also, it sounds like some personal issues are compromising your momentum.. You should deal with it and put it behind you. Your enthusiasm will resurrect and your balance restored.. I know it it easier said than done, being a victim of this myself. A therapist is a good idea for anyone.

  16. You get the best of lame things, don't let lame things get the best of you.

    1. The first part of that makes no sense. I don't like when pithy phrases emphasize their pithiness by throwing logic out the window just so the wording seems clever.

      And yes I'm sure you can twist the first part in your mind and explain it like it makes perfect sense. But you know it absolutely doesn't.

    2. Your references are questionable. At best.

  17. Thank you for your compelling honesty. We're all rooting for you, and all we want is for you to be happy.

  18. Keep it ticking along mate. Love your work :)

  19. Yo, please take your time. It won't be worth it unless it's something that you're really satisfied with, and know that you'll always be satisfied with. Thanks for the update though, as I'm sure we've been wondering every now and then. Just remember, you don't owe us anything, and the purpose of hype is to get YOU excited for it.

    You're a continually developing artist, and I'm sure it will lead to some magnum opus someday, whether it's The Meadow Man or not. You don't have to rush to get to it. I think it will come someday, as long as you just keep making what you feel like making.

    That said, if this is really what you want to do right now, you should consider a kickstarter, and hiring people. It might take a lot of time to explain exactly what you want, but it would undoubtedly shave off at least some of the work, and therefore make the whole project less daunting. Or maybe even pitch it to some movie studios? The popularity of Salad Fingers is pretty compelling, if it's anything like that.

    Anyway, nice to hear from you, and we'd respect your decisions even if you choose to do nothing. It's all part of the artistic process.

  20. David, I think the fans respect you enough to understand and accept that the film may not come any time soon if at all. On the other hand, as already stated, if you don't 'feel' the project then it may not be wise to continue it. I know how it feels, I also once told people I was going to make something, a series of animated shorts, then never even completed episode 1. Quite simply I felt that I was forcing myself to do it, that it was dragging me down, and even now I don't know if I'll ever pick that project up again. That is perhaps something you should consider. However, if you do push yourself and decide to hire people to work with you and what not, then you also count with the fan's support, myself included. Many of us are actors, editors, animators and we'll help if we can. Whatever you decide to do, good luck and we look forward to it.

  21. Es muy reconfortante saber que alguien sigue trabajando en lo que quiere. Definitivamente debes temer al tiempo.
    Debo confesar que me encanta tu trabajo, hacía 6 años no visitaba tu página ni veía tus vídeos. Justo hoy mientras me comía un plato de cereal te recordé por algún estado anímico en el que estaba y te agradezco el último post. saludos.

  22. I hope I don't die before this is created. That would be too bad.

    1. Try and stay healthy, eat plenty of vegetables, stay active and don't eat too much salt -then you might still be alive when The Meadow Man is complete.

  23. Hey David, Love to see that you still want to make this feature length project! Make sure that you stay focused and happy, use your weekends any free time to rest and when you do work, make sure that what you have done makes you feel good! Been a big fan since my brother showed me the Milk Man animation when i was like 11, Love Waller FM, love Devvo (thanks for the book BTW)! Hope you get what you want and have a nice Christmas this December!

  24. Mr. Firth,

    I know this is several months after this post, but I'd like to pitch in my two cents, because this sounds a lot like what I am going through currently.
    I can empathize. I've set out some big goals, and then a bunch of unexpected variables came into the mix that have set me back really far. But life happens.
    Remember, that the desire is still there, even if there are other things that occupy your mind. Try not to force it. It is a process, not a product.
    Plus, we all know you've got a lot to offer, and it will be totally worth it when it's ready. :)

    I've been a fan of your work for (10 years now?), and I look forward to anything else you may produce.

    Oh, and if you ever need to escape the country again, you should come to the states! ;)

  25. Kickstarter.

    I'd donate a couple thousand USD.

  26. I consider The Meadow Man to be a part of my future. It is just as important as graduating, being a mother or any of my future plans. I believe that you will eventually finish it and it will be the greatest thing you have ever done.
    also, I have always kinda wanted my face to be edited onto one of your characters. I don't care what I end up doing or who does my voice or anything. It would just be a great honour.

  27. greetings from colombia, good luck!

  28. Just keep doing what you're doing, young Mr. Firth. You drew me in ages ago with Salad Fingers, and I have been amazed ever since with the astonishingly creative, mesmerizingly macabre, grotesquely beautiful things you have put out there since. (I'm a book editor, so I should know that "mesmerizingly" is not really an acceptable word, but it fits, so who cares?) Your successes are well deserved, and you will continue to contribute fresh things to a world that seems to thrive on simply regurgitating the old. For this, I commend you. Oh - and if you can find a moment in your insane life, I'd love to be a fangirl for a moment (at 44, I have no business calling myself that, but again, who cares?) and request a signed photo of you. You could send it to me at PO Box 134, Tremont City, OH 45372 in the good ol' US of A. However, if that is too nerdy of presumptuous of me to ask, forget I did. Either way, best of luck in everything, and I'll continue fangirling out whenever I can. :D (P.S. You have no idea how fun it is to annoy people by randomly shouting Salad Fingers quotes in the middle of conversation, especially at my age. lol)

  29. dear mr. firth,
    you've got this man

  30. Also i would give you money on kickstarter too! You are my favorite animator. if you start one post a link on fat-pie. I am poor but willing to give anything i can i love your work

  31. Drop some acid. That ought to fix everything.

  32. I hope that seeing people like me are still around waiting for your work (regardless of the time it takes) is enough to keep your thoughts positive (yet disturbing, of course) and keeps you chuggin' along. Been a fan for a very long time, you inspire me and blah blah fucking blah (you've heard it before) As I said before, keep positive and keep truckin. We will be waiting!

  33. I've been watching your stuff since 03 I'm nearly 30 and I'm sure whenever it is your project is complete I'll love every second of it. Just hope you can make some money out of it! good luck.

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  36. David I have spent hours trying to figure out where you have gone and as far as I can tell your either in an insane asylum or working on meadow man. I've always been a big fan and was hoping if u could update everyone.


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  38. Echoes bounce of this empty page. I'm trying to remember how long I've been here. Life is passing me by. Remain patient. Just a few more years. I am The Meadow Man.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Been a huge fan since forever and was really excited about this project when I first heard about it all that time ago, so thought I'd check this blog for the first time in a few years.

    Just want to say I'm sure I speak on behalf of many others when I say that no one is judging you for taking as long as you need with this, and that I hope you're doing okay. Also bear in mind that this project doesn't define you - even if you never see the end of it you've already given us way more than enough fabulous work, and you'll always be appreciated for that alone.

    Sending aw my good vibes! :)

  41. The meadow man is already complete, and we are all characters. It's genius. Life is meadow man! It's like the matrix, but better. only David Firth knows what will happen at the end. But then will we all disappear? That is my main concern.

  42. willing to give some money to get this thing done.

  43. Willing to help in anyway I can - I'm a web designer/email developer. We believe in you David!

    And I REALLY want to see it!

  44. Is it possible to view the script? Or even just extracts? Very curious to have a look. :)

  45. David, I love your work (well, most of it), but I've given up on this ever being a thing. Sorry.

  46. David, I love your work, man. And, I must say that, the can't get it done thing - I truly get it: You're massively productive consistently forever, then life happens, and things get put on the shelf. Then comes the second-guessing of the work, of self. The fear of inability to convey what's in your head. The fear of death (without finishing your life's work). That shit's all real, but it's also all vivid internal B.S. SF10 was what, 10 minutes? Full-length is 90 mins? It's doable, man. My only advise: One day at a time. Baby steps. I struggle with a very similar set of circumstances (I think). There's no magic formula. The only thing that helps me is to jump in head-first, and do something, anything that could be called progress. Usually, that's the hurdle to jump: getting started. Hope this helps. I have faith in you. Best of luck!

  47. David, you're one of my biggest creative inspirations in life. I just watched your video about advertising and backed you on Patreon. Keep being awesome, and most importantly keep being yourself.

  48. do you know the meadow man
    the meadow man
    the meadow man
    do you know the meadow man
    he lives

  49. Hey David I don't know if you are keep reading those comment but as a big fun of yours I want to tell you that it is not a problem that you can't seem to finish it? I actually have even 2radical methods which I hope (in case you haven't already considerem them) that its will help you:
    1. Sticking to the old idea, even if you hate it. The old you loved it, and the old you was talented and skilled back then as well. So it is a option and many people will probably still love it.
    2. To release it unfinished. If you trully hate the main idea that you first had it is a viable option in case you don't want to work on it anymore to just release it unfinished. I am sure many people would still appreciate it a lot. Or maybe release some bits of it to see if it is really worth it.

    In anu case, I wish you all the best. You are great
    Much love <3

  50. Dia duit Is mise Gráinne Mc Elwain Táim ó Chluain Dolcáin na hÉireann ach táim ag bogadh go Londain le mo fhear céile agus gortaíodh agus briseadh croí orm nuair a tháinig fadhb mhór chun cinn i mo phósadh seacht mí ó shin, idir mise agus mo fhear céile. chuir sé an cás chun na cúirte le haghaidh colscaradh. Dúirt sé nár theastaigh uaidh fanacht liom arís, agus ní raibh grá agam dom a thuilleadh. Mar sin pacáil sé amach as an teach agus chuir sé orm féin agus mo pháistí dul trí phianta tromchúiseacha. Rinne mé mo chuid deiseanna ar fad chun é a thabhairt ar ais tar éis go leor déirce, ach bhí gach rud míshásta agus dheimhnigh sé go ndearna sé a chinneadh agus níor theastaigh uaim é a fheiceáil arís. Mar sin, tráthnóna amháin, nuair a tháinig mé ar ais ón obair, bhuail mé le seanchara liom a chuir ceist orm faoi mo fhear céile. Mar sin mhínigh mé gach rud dó, agus mar sin dúirt sé liom gurb é an t-aon bhealach ar féidir liom mo fhear céile a fháil ar ais ná cuairt a thabhairt ar theilgean litrithe darb ainm DrIgbinovia, toisc gur oibrigh sé dó freisin. Mar sin níor chreid mé i litriú riamh, ach ní raibh aon rogha agam ach a chomhairle a leanúint. Ansin thug sé dom an seoladh ríomhphoist den chaip litrithe a thug sé cuairt air. Mar sin an mhaidin dár gcionn chuir mé ríomhphost chuig an seoladh a thug sé dom, agus dhearbhaigh na riachtanais litrithe dom go bhfaighidh mé mo fhear céile ar ais an dá lá. Ráiteas iontach !! Níor smaoinigh mé riamh agus labhair sé liom agus dúirt sé liom gach rud is gá dom a dhéanamh. Ansin an mhaidin dár gcionn, mar sin ionadh, d'iarr mo fhear céile nár ghlaoigh orm na seacht mí seo caite mé a fhógairt go raibh sé ag teacht ar ais. Cé chomh hiontach! Mar sin bhí sé mar sin tháinig sé ar ais an lá céanna, le go leor grá agus áthais, agus ghabh sé leithscéal as a dhearmad agus as an bpian a chuir sé orm agus ag ár bpáistí. Ón lá sin i leith, bhí ár gcaidreamh níos láidre anois ná mar a bhí sé cheana, le cabhair DrIgbinovia Mar sin rachaidh mé i gcomhairle leat má bhíonn aon fhadhb agat teagmháil a dhéanamh leis. glaoigh air nó cuir leis é ar Whats-app: +2348144480786 a bhuíochas mór do Drigbinovia ..!

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